Saturday, October 31, 2009

An On-Line Cloth Diaper Education

So, there's a lot of info on cloth diapers out there. I am really, REALLY big on research and real life users, so I've found a message board I like, as well as some blogs I like to look at for reviews, etc. I've also some links to good online stores, as well as the one that has a location nearby wher eI can go and actually see and feel the diapers.

As I've said before, I think we will go with one-size diapers (adjustable, so you won't need to buy new as babies grow--especially helpful with twins who *might* not grow at the exact same rate) with pocket inserts (removable, for speed in drying). There are many other options, including all-in-ones, which take longer to dry, and prefolds, which are your more old-fashioned style of diaper, with a separate waterproof cover.

The brands that I am liking best (but haven't tried any yet--obviously :)--are Smartipants, Bum Genius 3.0, and the Gro-Baby System. I also have some fuzzibuns. I'm still torn b/w the velcro closures and the snaps--both seems to have pros/cons. I'm planning on getting some of both so I can see for myself....
Here are links to each of those product pages:
Fuzzibuns: (bad website for info...)

~video reviews: I like these b/c you see the diaper being put togther and used and hear what the reviewer has to say:

~blogs I like to keep an eye on for info & articles:

~message boards and sites I like for info. Has good info for how to wash and dry, and how to solve problems, etc. There are probably others that are more active, but this one has info on stripping the diapers (which is washing them to make them waterproof again, after some soap build-up) and fixing stink issues, etc. You do need to use special detergents that are not soap to make the diapers work better, be waterproof, and not need to be stripped. I even found a "recipe" for making your own detergent somewhere...I'll have to find it! I'm thinking of buying the Country Save first. really FULL of good info!

Cloth Diaper Stores

There are really tons more options and ideas out there--this is just where I am starting and the info I have found most helpful, so far. I'm certain things will change once the babies are born and we actually start *using* the cloth diapers.


  1. We tried using the fuzzybuns and it did not work. Our little ones had more diaper rashes and leaked everywhere. Eventually we had to switch back to normal diapers.

  2. Hmmm, we actually LOVE Fuzzibunz. The BG are good too! Sorry it did not work for you, Krystal!

    Hi! Just found your blog via the I Heart Multiples site. Congrats on your twins! Looks like you are doing great! I recently posted something about my experiences cloth diapering twins and reviews of a bunch of different diapers. Maybe all stuff you know already, though!

    Take care!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! Just what I need.... I"m 15 weeks pregnant with twins and really want to cloth diaper this time around. I've been researching, but am becoming a little overwhelmed and need to see this cloth diapering in person.. You offered some really good resources.

  4. hey there! i found your blog via the multiples and more site. i also am a cloth-diapering mom of twins. :) we use the bg pockets, gro baby system, and bg organic all-in-one. you'll love it!
